12 Process Industry Innovation and Process Systems Engineering Reengineering
Chair(s): Lili Sun; Laiyong Zhang
Co-chair(s)(from abroad): Costas Pantelides; Qingfeng Ge
Secretary-general: Mengqi Huang; Sizhao Wei
Contact information: Mengqi Huang +86 18618225056;huangmengqi@sinopec.com
Introduction: The Process Industry Innovation and Process System Engineering Reengineering sub forum of the Chemical and Basic Industry Reengineering sub forum will focus on process industry innovation and future development, focusing on high-end, intelligent, and green development. Through process system optimization and industrial process reengineering, new development of process industry will be achieved, and new quality productivity will be created. This sub venue will provide a platform for experts and scholars from around the world to exchange and cooperate, jointly explore the recent progress, academic industry frontiers, and future development directions in this field.

Sun Lili
Sinopec Engineering (Group) Co.,Ltd.
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)
China National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Chief Scientist of China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group)
Chairwoman of SEG Science & Technology Committee
Vice Chairwoman of Beijing Association for Science and Technology

Zhang Laiyong
China HuanQiu Contracting & Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Senior Engineer
China National Engineering Survey and Design Master
Member of CNPC Science and Technology Committee
Chief Technologist of HQC
Chairman of HQC Technical Committee

Costas Pantelides
Imperial College London
Chief Technology Officer, Siemens DI PA SW
Professor of Chemical Engineering, Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College London

Qingfeng Ge
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Distinguished Scholar
the Director of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences
Schedule | Topic | Speaker |
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